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"Your Benefit Oriented Main Headline Goes Here, It's A Good Idea To Make It In Quotes, Capitalize Each Word,And Make It An Inverted Pyramid By Adjusting The Line Lengths Using Shift-Enter At The End Of The Lines"

Now you want to pile on all the benefits your reader receives, like this:


This is not the time to make a list of the features of your product or service. No, you need to tell them the end result they get from those features... the benefits, and notice there is no period after each of these bullets, you may use an exclamation point, but sparingly

Benefits are the positive results your customer gets

Features are the characteristics and specifications of your product or service

To help you come up with benefits, start off by listing all the features of your product

Then come up with the resulting positive benefit that your customer gets from that feature

The best way to see how to do this is to look at successful salesletters

Once you have your benefit list, make a list of them in your salesletter using headlines as Benefit Bullets. It's kind of like a rapid fire presentation of the major benefits your customer gets when they buy your product

And you can see I've alternated font settings to help give a little visual relief... (bold, then default, then bold, then italic, etc)

And much, much more!

Sub-Headline Into Your Irresistible Offer

Now they're primed and ready to hear your offer.

And if you're good, you'll make them an irresistible offer.

An offer that provides more resulting value than the money you are asking them to spend with you.

In other words, a terrific deal for the customer.

In addition to your product, you may build more resulting value to your offer by including special bonuses, a longer guarantee, after the sale services for free, special package pricing, etc.

And make sure to tell your customer all the reasons why these extras are valuable to them. Just like in telling them the benefits of your main product, you must also tell them the resulting benefits they receive from the added bonuses you're offering them.

You Will Also Get Full MRR Rights and Reseller Materials

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