Windows xp Installer pentru amatori
Cand porneste ii dai Delete pana intra in Bios
Intru in Advanced CMOS SETUP.
Dau Enter,si ma duc cu sageata in jos pana la 1st Boot Device (CD/DVD)
Dau ESC odata si dau F10 Y si dau Enter la urma pleaca Windows-ul si ii dau Enter.
To set up Windows XP now,pres Enter.
Iar acum ii dau F8. To continue installing Win XP Without repairing pres Esc.
→To delete the selected partition press D.
deci la urma apas ,,C” nu schimb nimic si apas Enter.
C: partition 1[new(…)
→To set up Win Xp on the selected item press Enter si apas Enter.
→Format the partition using the FAT file system (Quik)→Enter→to continue and format partition press Enter
nu ma ating de nimic pana cand→Next→numele→home →Next→Cd-key→Next→numele→Next →Romana →021→Pulse Dialing→Next→time zone→sageata→Bucharest→Next→Tipical Setings→Next
Make this computer a member of the following Worgrup.
(Straja)→Next→Ok→Ok→Next→Next→no not at this time→Next→no not at this time→Next→nume→Next→Finish→restart→Delete→Advanced CMOS SETUP→Enter 1st Boot Device Floppy→Esc→F10 Y→Enter
descarca fisier
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