1. Menu / Applications / Java world > options / Network settings :
APN : Internet
Username - empty
Password - empty
Proxy - Disable
Save Settings.
2. Menu / Settings / Phone settings / USB settings / >Modem / Save.
3. Download this software:
Download Softick PPP 3.03
Download Java Uploader
4. Install Softick PPP.
When you get to the configure USB Share mode, choose the exclusive mode:

if you receive any error messages just ignore them:

5. Connect the USB Cable
6. Run Softick PPP
Go to Settings/ Bluetooth/Serial' to check if it has a connection such as COM11 \Device\ss_mdm0 (the COM port number may differ on your pc,

you may find the proper COM setting from the windows device manager > modems >Samsung Mobile USB modem ).

Activate Softick PPP, and you may get another error like this, again jus't ignore:

7. Run Java Uploader program and add a jad file.

( if you want to add .jar games use this .jad maker software: JADmaker or JADgenerator )
8. Enter Serial Java menu *#52828378# codeand choose OTA Type setting / select "Serial bearer OTA "
then Serial Test / select PPP UP / and choose " USB" ;
(First time use only else just go straight to next step)
Select Serial download , and you see a progress bar, then the game will load.....( after installation games will appear in menu / Applications / java world ) .
If you do see the progress bar but the phone freezes for a couple of seconds and then it reboots itself, it may mean that the connection is all right, but the Softick PPP is not actived or your device is not ticked in settings.
Please bear in mind, just do it once for each switch on/off.
When finished, to avoid problems with WAP, use the code *#52828378# again and choose OTA Type setting / select "GPRS bearer OTA "
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Coduri secrete Samsung:
#9999# - versiune software
*#06# - cod IMEI
*#0001# - numar serial
*#9998*246# - status baterie/ capacitate memorie
*#9998*324# - *#8999*324# - ecran debug
*#9998*523# - contrast ecran
*#9998*842# - *#8999*842# - test vibratie
*#9998*289# - *#8999*289# - test difuzor
*#9125# - afisare emoticon :)
*#0837# - versiune software
*#0523# - *#8999*523# - contrast ecran
*#0228# sau *#8999*228# - informatii baterie
*#8999*636# - capacitate memorie
*#8999*778# - informatii despre SIM
*#8999*782# - afisare data si ceas alarma
*#8999*786# - afisare avertisment
*#8999*837# - versiune hardware
*#8999*638# - informatii retea
*#8999*9266# - afisare numar canal si intesitate receptie
*#1111# - versiune software
*#1234# - versiune firmware
*#2222# - versiune hardware
*#8999*8376263# - toate versiunile in acelasi meniu
*#8999*8378# - meniu de test
*#4777*8665# - setari GPRS
*#8999*523# - luminozitate ecran
*#8999*377# - log erori
*#8999*327# - meniu EEP
*#8999*667# - mod debug
*#92782# - model telefon
#*5737425# - mod Java
*#2255# - lista apeluri
*#232337# - adresa MAC Bluetooth
*#5282837# - versiune Java
#*7785# - resetare ceas
#*7200# - mute pentru generatorul de tonuri
#*3888# - mod test Bluetooth
#*7828# - ecran task-uri
#*#8377466# - versiuni software si hardware
#*2562# - resetare telefon
#*3837# - blocare telefon cu ecran alb
#*3849# - resetare telefon
#*2886# - activare/ dezactivare raspuns automat
#*7288# - activare/ dezactivare GPRS
#*7287# - activare GPRS
#*7666# - ecran alb
#*4263# - activare/ dezactivare handsfree
#*7462# - faza SIM
#*7983# - tensiune/ frecventa
#*7986# - tensiune
#*5376# - sterge toate SMS-urile
#*6837# - versiune oficiala de software
#*2474# - durata incarcare
#*3676# - formatare memorie flash
#*4760# - activare/ dezactivare GSM
#*4864# - ecran alb
#7263867# - activare/ dezactivare dump RAM
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